
WoB Talk was originally a blog associated with the webcomic West of Bathurst.  It has now expanded to become my general writing/comics/music/life blog. Subjects covered may include: the things I write; the things I draw; the things I sing; the things other people write, draw, and sing; books, films, comics, and things that make me want to express opinions vociferously online; other completely random subjects.

Here is a little bio of me in case you have no idea what’s going on right now:

Kari Maaren is a wandering English professor who has turned grumpiness into an art form. Her first novel, a fantasy for kids and teens and adults and, really, whomever entitled Weave a Circle Round, was released in November of 2017. She has a completed webcomic, West of Bathurst, and an active one, It Never Rains. She writes and performs geeky ukulele music, and she has produced two CDs, Beowulf Pulled My Arm Off and Everybody Hates Elves. She has won Aurora Awards for her music (2013 and 2015) and comics (2015).

5 thoughts on “About

  1. I just read about you buying a tenor guitar. I too have struggled with guitars due to my small hands. What guitar did you purchase and from where?

  2. Hi, Dale. I found my tenor online, though I can’t remember which vendor I went with. I chose this one:


    It’s a nice instrument. Gold Tone also does a cheaper laminated version that is supposed to be nice as well. Blueridge tenors also have a good repetition in the budget-tenor-guitar category.

    If you don’t know of a bricks-and-mortar vendor that carries tenors, try to find one via an online vendor offering setup. Amazon sells the TG-18 (to Americans only; I couldn’t have bought the instrument via Amazon), but all its instruments come straight from the factory; if there’s a problem with the guitar, Amazon won’t notice or care. In case you’re American, here’s the Amazon page, which also includes links to a couple of Blueridges:


    And here’s the cheaper Gold Tone on Amazon:


    Ebay also carries a number of new and vintage tenors, though “caveat emptor” applies there.

  3. I was just insanely curious as to how you pronounce your name. (I happen to share the same name, depending on the pronunciation.)

  4. Hi, Merenwe. My name rhymes with “starry” and “sari,” not with “marry” and “ferry.”

  5. I was quite
    and addicted:

    Im so fully ready to die now
    (Im a Near Death Experiencer):
    to finally ascend!
    to live! love! exponentially!!
    to VitSee-harmony for eternity!!!
    to RITE with a passion 999×999+
    nonillion novels in ♡OUR♡
    exalted, extravagant excess!!!

    Are you? If you aint, miss gorgeous,
    why donchoo make like a choochoo
    and high-tail it into Seventh-Heaven
    so we can eternally party-hardy, girl:

    Our blogOramma speaks volumes -IF-
    ya gotta lotta primordial moxie as in:
     ‘dunno. dijoo wannum? gotta lotta
    nadda unless youse believe’
    (skuze d’New Joisey accent):


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